Here are my favorite lucky moments!
All three of these shows had a winning streak of 4 cars in a row won! The Witch (my mascot) cackled over one of those streaks!
December 8, 1988; "Hurricane" Arlene not only wins $10,000 on the Grand Game, but $11,000 on the BONUS SPIN, earning her a BI-SLAM! She was $800 away from a DOUBLE SHOWCASE that would've earned her a GRAND SLAM!!!
May 3, 2000; "Hurricane" Lilia also gets a BI-SLAM only it was $10,000 on Punch-A-Bunch as well as $11,000 on the wheel! Another lady also won $11,000 that day on the same Showcase Showdown! Lilia was way off of a GRAND SLAM by $14,000!
Whoop-whoop-WHOOP!!! Woo woo woo woo woo!!! Moe, Larry, The Cheese! Moe, Larry, The Cheese!
I ALWAYS do the Curly cry when someone gets sirened!
Now I'll explain my TPIR terminology. These are all examples & can be done in any combination, keeping in mind it's strictly for those who play Punch/Grand/Bag/Triple Play!
SEPERATE DOUBLE: One player wins BOTH SHOWCASES, another player wins $11,000! I've seen 5 Seperate Doubles, including the Lilia episode!
BI-SLAM: The SAME contestant winning all three cars on Triple Play & $11,000 on the Wheel (almost happened in Las Vegas!). That contestant would be upgraded to a HURRICANE (or HIMACANE; 4 men were denied the HIMACANE!).
SEPERATE TRIPLE: One player winning $16,000 on bag, another player winning $11,000 on the wheel & another player (not the same) winning BOTH SHOWCASES!
GRAND SLAM: The SAME contestant winning $10,000 on Grand Game, $11,000 on the Wheel AND A DOUBLE SHOWCSE WINNER! That contestant would be upgraded to an EARTHQUAKE!